
Builders and contractors know that a well-executed demolition is crucial for the smooth progression of a renovation or remodeling project. At IBEX Builder Studios, we understand the needs and requirements of the trades that will follow our work, allowing for a seamless transition between different stages of construction. Many residential renovations involve materials that homeowners or builders may wish to repurpose or donate to local service centers. That’s why we carefully review your Material Repurpose Checklist prior to demolition, ensuring that all items receive appropriate attention.

Dust Containment.

Effective Dust Containment surpasses simple plastic and tape solutions. It offers comprehensive protection for your home during every phase of your job site.

Phase 1- Involves extensive containment installation prior to demolition, ensuring minimal dust and debris spread.

Phase 2 – Perform thorough post-rough trade cleaning and provide dust containment replacements necessary for a clean worksite and containment for the finish trades.

Phase 3 – Protect newly installed wood floors and cabinetry for the remaining finish trades.

Phase 4 – Provide and handle the removal of the dust containment and floor protection with a light construction area vacuum and wipe down. 

With Effective Dust Containment, you can trust that the home will be shielded from the various work layers involved in your project, necessary for a clean worksite and containment for the finish trades.

Move Furniture

We are pleased to offer our assistance with the task of moving furniture, rugs, and wall art prior to the start of your client’s project. Our experienced team will handle all aspects of the relocation process, ensuring that each item is carefully transported to a safe location as requested by you and your client. Should you prefer additional protection for any items, we can provide plastic wrapping and box smaller or fragile items using biodegradable peanut packing.Furthermore, upon completion of the project, we will efficiently return all items to their designated places within the home. You and your clients can rest assured knowing that their belongings will be handled with utmost care throughout the entire process.

Asbestos/Lead testing and abatement

Ensuring job site safety is a top priority for builders. Before any work commences, it is crucial to conduct thorough testing to identify any materials that require expert attention during demolition. At IBEX Builder Studios, we understand the importance of managing these tests effectively. Our experienced teams will handle the scheduling, management, and reporting of all demolition-related material testing.

Furthermore, we provide comprehensive solutions for the proper removal of hazardous substances like asbestos and lead.Asbestos and Lead Abatement. At IBEX Builder Studios, we take pride in delivering reliable asbestos remediation services. Our team possesses the expertise to effectively manage this process from start to finish. By employing appropriate methods and adhering to strict safety protocols, we ensure the quick and safe removal of asbestos-containing materials.